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Famous Academic Text Example

academic text example

In the dictionary, an academic is defined as something or someone who is considered to be scholarly in nature. An example of academic achievement would be what a teacher would write on the report card of a student who receives all A’s in the class. An academic question is defined as a question that cannot be definitively answered but that people find interesting to think about and discuss regardless of the outcome.

Also, How Do You Distinguish Between An Academic Text And A Nonacademic Text? 

The overall structure of the text, as well as the structure of each section

  1. Aim. The purpose of the entire academic text, as well as the content found in each section, is determined by the aim.
  2. Questions for further investigation The goal is frequently broad, and it may be necessary to narrow it down further with research questions.
  3. Introduction.
  4. Methods and materials are discussed.
  5. Results.
  6. Discussion.
  7. Conclusion.

To Put It Another Way, What Exactly Are Academic Texts?

Academic texts are defined as critical, objective, specialized texts written by experts or professionals in a given field who use formal language to communicate their findings. Academic texts are devoid of bias. The emotions of the authors are not conveyed through texts or other written materials.

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In What Ways Do Academic Texts Differ From One Another?

The descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical types of academic writing are the four main types of academic writing. Each of these types of writing has its own set of linguistic characteristics and purposes. Many academic texts will require the use of more than one type of punctuation.

What Are The Examples Of Academic-Text?

There are several types of academic writing, including:



annotated bibliography.

 academic journal article.

 book report.

 conference paper. 


 annotated bibliography.


What Are The Characteristics Of A Piece Of Academic Writing?

Academic texts have the following characteristics: they are simple, concise, objective, and logical. The four linguistic characteristics of the text are capable of revealing to the reader the level of scholarly content contained within an academic text.

What Are The similarities And Differences Between Academic writing And professional writing?

There are some similarities between academic and professional writing. Having well-developed ideas that are communicated precisely and clearly is essential for both styles of writing. Whether reporting on research in an academic setting or making recommendations on how to improve a corporation’s profitability, the tone is serious in both cases.

When it comes to academic writing, what is the difference between academic text and academic writing?

There are significant differences between academic writing and other types of writing. Personal writing does not have to be formal, and in fact, it is not always formal at all. First and foremost, academic writing is based on extensive research and is intended to prove a point within a particular academic field. It is distinct from any other type of writing simply because of this feature.

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What Is The Best Way To Write Academically?

Steps that are absolutely necessary for the writing process Choose a topic that interests you. Carry out research and make a note of the information you find. Create a compelling thesis statement on which you will base your argument. Prepare a rough outline for your essay and stick to it. Draft your essay’s first draft as soon as possible. Revise your first draft and make any necessary changes to improve the content, logic, and flow.

Academic Writing Has Certain Characteristics.

The importance placed on following a style guide in academic writing is perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of the genre. The correct adherence to a chosen style guide is non-negotiable when it comes to academic writing, whereas nearly all content and media outlets use a specific style guide—which is either an already established guide or one of their own creation. Most of the time, if you do not adhere to the style guide in your writing, you will receive a failing grade.

The Modern Language Association (MLA) style guide and the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide are two of the most widely used style guides for academic writing. The American Medical Association (AMA) style guide, the American Chemical Society (ACS) style guide, and the Chicago Manual of Style are among the others (CMOS). There are specific rules for how to format and punctuate your writing, as well as how to cite the sources you use, in each of these style guides.

In addition to following the style guide, the following are the essential characteristics of academic writing:

Language, Clarity, And Conciseness Are All Important Considerations.

Academic writing is written in a formal style. It’s also designed to be clear and concise, which may seem at first glance to be at odds with the use of formal language, but is actually beneficial.

Many writers make the mistake of conflating formal language with flowery language. The use of elaborate words, long sentences (sometimes to the point of being run-on sentences), and metaphors that are so drawn-out as to obfuscate the point the writer is attempting to make are all examples of flowery language.

The actual formal language, on the other hand, is quite different. It is formal language when it is used to communicate an author’s points because it uses the most accurate, non-colloquial language available to do so, and it may include jargon. Sentences should only be as complex as they are required to be in order to express coherent thoughts and positions; literary devices such as metaphor should be used sparingly in your writing. When they are appropriate, they are used in a different way than they are in other types of written communication. Overall, you’re aiming for clarity and conciseness as your primary objectives.

Academic writing takes an objective, disinterested stance toward the subject matter under consideration. When it comes to academic writing, the passive voice is sometimes required because this type of tone is essential, particularly in the sciences, but it should be avoided whenever possible.

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When it comes to grammar, academic writing is very prescriptive in its style and tone. In other words, there are specific grammar and style rules that your writing must follow in order to be properly formatted and presented. Two sources for these rules are available to you: the style guide for the piece you’re currently working on and generally accepted conventions for academic writing. Style guides detail specific requirements, such as whether or not to hyphenate certain compound words and when to spell out numbers rather than use numerals in a sentence. Academic writing conventions that are more general in nature, such as writing in the third person and maintaining an objective tone, apply to all types of academic writing.

On the other hand, other, more casual types of writing are less concerned with the distinction between “proper grammar” and “improper grammar.” In fact, in certain types of writing, such as blogging and ad copywriting, it is frequently necessary to break established grammar rules in order to capture the attention of readers and communicate effectively with them on a consistent basis.

The use of ellipses to build suspense, the use of prepositions to end sentences, and the use of exclamation points to make your sentences exciting are all excellent strategies for writing that is catchy and conversational—but they have no place in academic writing.


Additionally, your academic writing must be formatted in accordance with the style guide for your assignment, aside from following specific grammar and style rules. What is included in your header and footer, how the contents of your cover page are organized, and how citations and references are formatted all fall under the category of formatting. A humanities paper, for example, will almost certainly be written in accordance with the MLA style guide, unless you specify another style guide. According to this style guide, the source page is titled “Works Cited,” and the author of each reference is identified by their last name, followed by their first name, as follows: You would typically use the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide for a social sciences paper, which states that the sources page should be titled “References” and that authors should be listed by their last names followed by their first initials.

Academic writing can be classified into several categories.

Academic writing encompasses a wide range of different types of work. These are some examples:


The term “essay” refers to a relatively short piece of writing that, similar to a research paper, makes and supports a specific point.

Theses And Dissertations Are Scholarly Works.

There are two different types of capstone projects: a thesis and a dissertation. Ordinarily, thesis refers to a project that is completed at the end of a master’s program (and in some cases, even of a bachelor’s program), whereas the term dissertation refers to a project that is completed at the end of a doctoral program.

A thesis project is a lengthy piece of writing in which the author demonstrates his or her suitability for the degree they are pursuing by posing a philosophical question, making an argument, or expressing an opinion that provokes thought. Both are the result of the candidate’s research, which is carried out under the supervision of their academic advisor.

Proposals For Research

Essentially, a research proposal is a document in which the author formally requests sponsorship or funding to support his or her academic research. When writing a research proposal, the author outlines how they intend to conduct their research, why they chose to conduct this particular research, and what they hope to accomplish as a result of their research.

Papers Based On Research

It is an extensive piece of writing that shows the author’s thorough understanding of the subject matter on which they have conducted their research. Almost every research paper is organized around a thesis statement, which is the statement in the opening paragraph that states the author’s point of view and summarises their supporting evidence.

Reviews Of The Literature

When writing an academic paper, you should summarise, describe, and evaluate a topic by looking at the works of other authors. This is called a literature review. A literature review is an examination of a topic through the lens of two or more works, which can include books, scholarly articles, presentations, dissertations, or other published materials, among other things.

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